Stuttering in adults

Treatment of stuttering in adults

Stuttering is a communication disorder that usually begins in childhood and, if not properly corrected, can extend into adulthood.

What is adult stuttering?

Adult stuttering is a difficulty in the rhythm and fluency of speech. It usually presents with persistent disfluencies and patterns of avoidance of social events and discomfort of thought and emotion.

People who experience this speech fluency difficulty often know what they want to say, but cannot avoid saying it fluently because of involuntary repetitions, prolongations, interruptions, etc.

As a result, it can affect interaction with others and negatively influence the person’s emotional well-being.

Causes of stuttering in adulthood

Some of the most common causes of stuttering in adulthood are:

  • Failure to treat this disorder during childhood.
  • Hereditary genetic abnormalities.
  • Suffering a stroke where the areas of the brain responsible for speech are affected.
  • Emotional trauma.
  • Having suffered meningitis or encephalitis.
  • Prolonged exposure to stress or anxiety.
  • side effects of drugs or medication.
  • Symptoms of stuttering in adults

The most common symptoms of stuttering in adulthood are:

  • Pausing in the middle of a word.
  • Repetition of words or sounds when speaking.
  • Anxiety when speaking.
  • Lack of control and poor coordination when speaking.
  • Feeling of not being able to control what is said.
  • The presence of tics.
  • How do we treat stuttering in adults at Logopeda Barcelona?

In Speech Therapist Barcelona, the first thing to do is to make a diagnosis to know how to focus the treatment to improve or eliminate stuttering. The objective will be to achieve that the basic techniques of breathing, articulation, rhythm control; can be incorporated effectively to the social skills of the patient.

To achieve this objective, the therapies will include activities related to relaxation, breathing control, maintaining a calm conversation, reading, among many others. In addition, we will help to solve the problems of stress, anxiety or self-esteem related to this disorder and we will develop a speech therapy to achieve a much more natural speech pattern.