Speech therapy for kids in Barcelona

Our speech therapist for kids offers a completely customized treatment for each child, with the aim of improving their skills and promoting the maximum possible development.

When to take a child to a speech therapist?

We should always pay attention to the warning signs that can be observed in the development of children. Different professions can warn us of some warning signs related to language.

Whether it is the teacher, dentist, otolaryngologist, pediatrician, etc., when there is a problem related to speech, swallowing, voice or language development, it would be advisable to go to the child speech therapist to ask for an assessment.

What we treat in our center


Speech disorder in children

What is a speech disorder? A speech disorder is the inability to create or form the speech sounds needed to properly develop oral language and communicate with others. This can make the...

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Dyslexia on children

What is Dislexia? Dyslexia is a difficulty in learning to read, and at the same time it also affects writing. There are several theories about the reason for this problem, the most...

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Dyslalia in children

Dyslalia in children Dyslalia is a disorder of the articulation of a phoneme or groups of phonemes due to functional alterations of the peripheral speech organs (lips, tongue, soft...

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Atypical swallowing

What is atypical swallowing? It is an inability to swallow by placing the tongue in a position that does not cause or worsen dental and oral malocclusions. This problem that occurs during...

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Stuttering in Children

What is Stuttering in Children? Stuttering, also known as dysphemia, is a difficulty in the rhythm of speech, in which words or phrases are frequently repeated and there is hesitation in...

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When should a speech therapist be consulted?

A child should see a speech therapist by referral from another professional or at the request of the parents or guardians if they believe the child needs it. These needs could be related to speech, swallowing, fluency, voice, reading and writing, among other difficulties.

What does a speech therapist do?

A speech therapist treats alterations, disorders or difficulties related to communication, reading, writing or swallowing.

How long are the sessions?

45 minuts

What makes us different from other speech-language pathologists?

In Logopeda Barcelona we differentiate ourselves by offering a personalized treatment, where we not only treat, but we accompany the person throughout the therapeutic process.